Frequently Asked Questions
Common questions about living in and interacting with the Town of Lovell. Here, you’ll find helpful information on topics like Town Hall hours, utility services, permits, and local regulations. For more specific questions or if you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to stop by Town Hall or give us a call at 307-548-6551.

Monday through Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
New Years Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day after, Christmas and the day before or the day after.
The vegetative waste site is where you can take yard debris (grass, tree limbs, leaves, etc.) so you don’t have to put it in your trash can or burn it. Do not take construction materials or garbage to the Vegetative Waste site.
The vegetative waste site is located at 1052 Dudley Drive next to the Town of Lovell’s Dog Pound.
Directions: Go North on Shoshone > Cross the railroad tracks > Turn right on Lane 10 ½ until you reach Dudley Dr. > Turn Left > Drive until you see a white block building on your left. > Drive past the building and you have made it to the vegetative waste site.
Twice per year, the Mayor and Council may sponsor Spring and Fall Cleanup. During those times, citizens of Lovell can take a load of trash to the county landfill, after obtaining a voucher, and the Town will pay the landfill fee. Generally, it is approved in the Spring (April 15 to May 31st) and Fall (Oct 1st to November 30th). You have to have a valid address in Town Limits to qualify for a voucher.
When Spring or Fall cleanup is approved, you will need to load up your trash and go to the Lovell Police Department located at 142 East 3rd Street to get a voucher to present at the Landfill so the Town will pay for your fees. The voucher is only valid on the day you obtain it.
Open burning within the town limits is prohibited by state statute. A couple of times a year the Town of Lovell requests an open burn setback waiver from the Department of Environmental Quality. The dates we request are weekends only March 1 to May 31st and September 1st to November 30th. Burning is allowed East of Shoshone Avenue on even calendar days on the weekend and West of Shoshone Avenue on odd calendar days on the weekend. You can only burn yard debris. You need to call the Lovell Police Department at 307-548-2215 before you burn.
There are no fees to pay by card for your utilities. For any other services, the card processor charges a 3% convenience fee.
No. Building permits must be obtained by calling or coming to Town Hall.
Dog and cat licenses can be obtained at the Lovell Police Department located at 142 East 3rd Street.
A record of the animal’s current rabies vaccination is required along with payment of $10 for each unneutered or unspayed dog or cat, and $2.50 for each neutered or spayed dog or cat.
No. Lovell Town code 4-01-010 – Keeping, etc., fowl, grazing animals or swine.
We buy our water from the Shoshone Municipal Pipeline.
Wyoming One Call – 811 or 1-800-849-2476.
Lovell Police Department 307-548-2215.
For a new title: Big Horn County Clerk 307-568-2357.
For Sales Tax and License Plates: Big Horn County Treasurer 307-568-2578.
Voter Registration is at Town Hall – 336 Nevada Ave. or Big Horn County Clerk 420 West C. Street Basin WY.
Town of Lovell residents and surrounding area vote at the Lovell Community Center located at 1925 Highway 310, Lovell, WY.
North Big Horn County Landfill: 936 Ln 9, Lovell WY
Phone: 307-548-6515
No. Large items must be taken to North Big Horn County Landfill.
Fill out the Application for Utility Service form and pay a $200 Deposit to sign up for Utility Services.
When we final bill you. We will use your deposit on your final bill and mail you a refund or the remaining bill.
To reserve a park pavilion, please call Town Hall at 307-548-6551.
$5 per hour.
The second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
Call Town Hall at 307-548-6551 to determine your trash pick up day.